The OTI Community Token, OTICT, is a revolutionary take on the problems our world is facing.  Every token has or should have, a purpose, and OTICT aims to change the way we think about the problems in our community.  Backed by a known and trusted organisation, an international network of over 1750 partnered organisations and a talented team that is dedicated to the project.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime


Our Approach

We create business ventures based on the needs of our communities which are sustainable, profitable and future-proof.  These businesses, employ and assist in the areas that need the most attention.

OTICT Priorities

Community / Life


OTICT Solutions/Goals:

  • Employ and house over 100,000 families in OTI property Social Enterprises
  • Establish community centres to employ, support and feed people in need
  • Educational programs on health and nutrition  Educational programs for skill building and employability
  • Support for children at school


  • Over 700,000 registered homeless people in Europe
  • 14M unemployed people in Europe
  • 8.6M people fie each year from no or poor health care
  • 20% of families can’t afford to put food on the table on a daily basis
  • 37% of students can’t afford to eat at school



OTICT Solutions/Goals:

  • Offer 25,000 University scholarships per year to top students 
  • Invest in research and innovation 
  • Offer educational programs to help build skills and competencies for better employability 
  • Offer 25,000 Scholarships to specialised schools for top students 
  • Assist children from disadvantaged areas and backgrounds, with school materials


  • 19% of youth don't finish school 
  • 37% of top students can't afford to go to university 
  • Not enough focus on talent 
  • Lack of specialised training for educators, especially for those working with disadvantaged youth 
  • Lack of career guidance for youth, often resulting in studying in fields where there are no jobs



OTICT Solutions/Goals:

  • Plant over 1M trees per year to help with reforestation
  • Promote biodiversity through a series of education programs and initiatives
  • Social Enterprises which will combat pollution and waste management, water treatment, while creating new employment opportunities for unemployed people
  • Research and development of best practices to combat the negative environmental impact
  • Educational projects about environmental preservation


  • Over 50% of forests have been destroyed
  • Deforestation, Forest Fires
  • Pollution and Waste Management
  • Over 100 million people are affected by pollution
  • Pollution kills over 1 million seabirds and over 100 million mammals each year
  • Over 5 million children under 5 years of age die each year due to pollution
  • More than 30% of water bottles are not recycled
  • Lack of education, especially in rural areas
  • Over 1 billion people don’t have access to fresh drinking water



OTICT Solutions/Goals:

  • Create Business Angels to fund the most innovative ideas
  • Invest in research and innovation
  • Offer educational programs to help build skills and competencies for better employability
  • Create over 1M jobs
  • Invest in innovative business concepts and ideas


  • 14M Unemployed people in Europe
  • Over 700,000 registered homeless people
  • 20% of new businesses fail due to a lack of cash flow or poor management skills
  • High level of unskilled labour

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Changing the world cannot be done in a day, but we are working on solutions daily. You can see the progress and impact of our active projects.