Whitepaper (version 2.1)

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One Terrene International (OTI) started its vision years ago by a group of people who believed it was possible to make the world a better place. In 2012, OTI became a registered non-profit and nongovernment organisation in the United Kingdom, followed by a second branch in Cyprus in 2013 and currently has 16 locations in the World. We know the world is not perfect, yet we believe that as a community, we can make it better for everyone, giving everyone the chance to be the best they can be, ensuring that every living entity has the right to enjoy life, prosper, ensuring that no one should be treated unfairly, and everyone has access to opportunities for growth.

The vision was to bring like-minded people together to work on similar causes, all with the hope to improve life. We had a simple motto; “One world unified through knowledge and sharing”. By sharing knowledge, we could achieve our goals and reduce the cost in doing so. From research to implementation.

Over the years OTI has shifted its goals to meet the needs of its communities, focusing heavily on youth, education, employment, environment and community. Trying to help the communities grow, strengthen and become more independent, vital players in education and the workforce by delivering projects and initiatives that engage with its target audience.
To realise our goals, we had two sources of support, our community made up of individual people and businesses and funding from various institutions, including the European Commission. This allowed us to impact the lives of thousands of people, by educating communities on environmental conservation, training youth to gain skills and competencies to increase their employability, empowering youth to be active citizens, and reducing unemployment in Europe.
Today, we have an online community made up of over 5 million users, who have been helped by the different causes and efforts we support.
In 2020, COVID added a new burden to our communities, with many people losing their jobs, more families needing support, and new businesses failing due to lack of support. The need of finding financial stability within today’s economic environment is vital.
In 2021 many of our members and supporters suggested we jump on the cryptocurrency train as this is the future. This idea was developed due to the untransparent banking system our society had left as a legacy affecting so many families losing their homes in the past. The idea of crypto maintains the idea that people should own their own economy. Cryptocurrency could open the doors to more community support, where we all continue to help each other, giving what we can to help those who can’t help themselves, while being rewarded.
This is where the OTI Community Token (OTICT) was born.

Initially, we had many questions, make our own blockchain, coin or token, centralised or decentralised?
Our strengths lie in our community work not in the digital markets so our supporters funded the research for the best value for money and the result was a token based on the BSC blockchain, a trusted network that was established and trusted around the globe on a DeFi (decentralised) community.

We were absolutely overwhelmed by the fast support from our community, while we were trying to decide on the number of tokens to start with, our community supported us by offering to buy our token before it was even created! We received offers from so many supporters, that we needed to be sure we did this right the first time round. Our community wants to help build a community into a better world, where we thrive in all aspects of life (employability, finance, environment, stability). And our token offers its supporters access to all of the above which are part of our main 4 pillars described in more detail below in this whitepaper. If the community wants it, then it will happen.

Decentralised or Centralised?
The question of centralised or decentralised was posed from the start and when discussing it with our community, both seemed like viable options, however decentralised was favoured for the initial phase of our crypto project. It would be easier for our communities to get involved, and it would be simple to get more people involved of course, the initial cost would allow us to focus our resources on our main goals and causes rather than using our resources on a centralised system.
It is hoped that we will use both decentralised and centralised ecosystems in the future, however, we have received overwhelming interest from some centralised exchanges, and we are currently negotiating with them, it is hoped that we will be on at least 3 centralised exchanges by October 2022.
Our Roadmap planned to be listed on at least one centralised exchange by the start of the fourth quarter of 2022, and it seems that we are on track with this, however, this is conditional on the terms set by these exchanges, our priority is to invest our proceeds into our community, thus if the costs for centralised platforms outweigh the benefit to our community, we will limit the sale on exchanges that serve our purpose.

The Community Needs & Our Approach
OTI started with a belief that for something to work or be fixed, the community needs to want this. We live in a world where we all have choices; we all have rights, obligations and freedoms and we are all part of a community. Some instances in life don’t allow us to enjoy these freedoms, and this is where the community needs to step in to bring a balance.
With community spirit in mind, we explored the needs of our society and over the last 10 years and we have impacted our communities in remarkable ways:
• Over €3M to support education and employability of youth in Europe
• Over €400,000 given to poor families in need, providing food and financial support (community shops)
• Over €1M given in education grants and scholarships
• Over €300,000 in support of environmental education, preservation and support

OTI Today
Unlike other charities, we do not only ask our communities to support our causes by simply making donations. We strongly believe in the proverb “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” That is why we started social enterprises and initiatives to offer a variety of online services which also fund our causes.
OTI (One Terrene International) – Charity and Community Support:
OTI has 16 locals in 16 different countries and over 300 networked partner organisations throughout the world, providing community work focusing primarily on our 4 main pillars:
• Education
• Community
• Environment
• Employment

We launched a Community Support platform allowing our community to both funds our causes and start their own causes. Although new, we are seeing some great ideas and responses and support from our community.


OTI Education:

Offers an online educational platform with a variety of free and paid courses, allowing people to build their skills and competencies to improve employability and personal growth. All proceeds of the OTI Education platform are used for OTI Community Support goals.


Eurojobs.com is the largest truly European job site with over 7 million jobs listed and over 5 million active users. Eurojobs.com has as its main objective to help overcome the large unemployment in Europe trying to build bridges between the employer and the job seeker.

Jobstodo is an on-demand marketplace, focusing on the European market. Offering opportunities to freelancers, and SMEs to undertake a variety of services and to promote employment opportunities in remote areas, allowing people to work from anywhere offering their services, skills and knowledge to businesses without the need for full-time employment. This offers individuals to make their own freelance business without the bureaucracy of owing a business.

Our Vision / Looking into the Future
Our vision in creating our crypto token is to support our causes, to help as many people as we can and at the same time has a high and stable return to our supporters in a transparent manner.
There are many people in need of support of help in the world, and if we just give them financial support, why would they need to change their status? Our goal is to offer these people, housing, education and employability options so that they can eventually return to their communities as active members. It’s all about choice. We know that many people choose to stay on the streets begging for money and support, our focus, however, is on those who landed on the street due to unforeseen circumstances and want to return to normality, those who just need a second chance, and a little help to get there. Our token offers that opportunity to them from them.
Many people look at charity or community work and think that money given to these causes is used once and then no more, but this is not sustainable. In our project, we aim to establish a variety of social enterprises that will be able to support our causes and be sustainable, so that we are not constantly asking our community for support.
These Social Enterprises (ScEs) will be able to house families, while still operating with a profit from other sources, these ScEs will be able to offer employment opportunities while still allowing the income generated from these businesses to allow growth and sustainability for the entire OTI Group that its supporters, users, target audience now belong to. Together we are building a circular economy and society!

Our current vision and goals are:
• Buy/build housing projects to accommodate over 100,000 families who are rendered homeless due to the economic difficulties due to the economic crisis and COVID-19
• Employ over 100,000 people with a goal of employing over 1 million people by the end of 2030
• Plant 1 million trees annually to assist in reforestation as a result of devastating fires and human impact.
• Environmental conservation project support and awareness.
• Offer 25,000 scholarships annually to excellent academic candidates with economic disadvantages to allowing them to follow their educational path to ensure they continue to contribute to our communities with innovation, research, education, development &
• Support artists and the creative industry by funding sustainable initiatives either via NFT projects and/or other events and projects.

It is important to note that the causes we will be supporting will also include assistance to empower people to become financially independent. People who will be employed will be at our social enterprises allowing them to contribute to the entities that helped them bounce back on their feet. We will also partner with our supporters to help find other employment opportunities. We will continue our educational programs and projects to help people gain skills and competencies to increase their employability.

The OTI Community Token

The OTI Community Token (OTICT) was launched on 1 December 2021, with an initial phase to allow our supporters to pre-buy tokens. During this 2-month period we prepared the site dedicated for the token, update the whitepaper, update the token details on bscscan.com to get it recognised and ensure the token is swappable on pancakeswap. We will also be applying to get our token listed on centralised exchanges.

It is hoped that our token will be listed on Centralised Exchanges by September 2022, we are still in the negotiation phase, but full details will be published on our token page soon. Our Private Pre-Sale events have been very successful and we have entered the Public Pre-Sale Stages. A huge marketing campaign has been launched to promote our token on various platforms and we have seen great awareness of our token and the causes we are supporting.

As we prepare for centralised exchange listings, we are also preparing for the impact we will be making in all our communities. By the end of 2025, we should be established in 28 countries, and by 2030 we are hoping to have branches in every major country in the world, being present on every continent and able to support each community and grow with our community.
With funds raised from the sale of our token, we will own over 4000 Social Enterprises, business that will contribute all of their profits to our sustainable causes. The social enterprises will employ at least 100,000 people in Europe alone.
Some people have asked us why they should care about homeless people or those in need; when our society has homeless people and unemployed people, this has an impact on our social system, and this affects all of us, if we help these people get back into society, help them find employment and contribute to society, our society and community will grow, and as our communities grow, we will see a positive economic impact in our countries and for ourselves as well.

Why would the OTICT Token continue to grow in value?
Many people have asked us why a token, which is focused on community work would be a good investment. Each token has or should have, a cause to support, some are designed to fund a new technological project, and some are designed to fund the development of games, the list of crypto token or coin causes are endless, and investment in these is a choice, not an obligation. The OTICT token, is not a one-time cause, it is a series of causes that grow and it will take time and effort, our plan is to ensure sustainability in the methodologies used to address the causes, and to ensure longevity and results. We can’t promise you that the value of OTICT will reach the values of BNB, ETH or BITCOIN, but we can promise that every amount raised will be invested smartly into social enterprises, and businesses, that will continue to grow and have a great impact on our community and therefore backed up by sustainable entities. This will allow us to invest in people, future technologies, and innovative green projects, that make everyone’s life better. Those who invest in OTICT, are investing in people, in the community, in themselves, because our goal is to make every day better, for everyone.

Token Details:
The OTICT token is BEP20 compliant. BEP20 defines the implementation of APIs for token smart contracts. It is proposed by deriving the ERC20 protocol of Ethereum and provides the basic functionality to transfer tokens, allow tokens to be approved so they can be spent by another on-chain third party, and transfer between Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain.
The OTICT Token is an Operable Token derived from ERC1363
Discover ERC1363
The OTICT Token is afully BEP20 compatible token. Any BEP20 wallet will support our Token.
The OTICT Token is verified by BscScan: Full details here.

What is Binance Smart Chain?
Binance Chain was launched by Binance in April 2019. Its primary focus is facilitating fast, decentralized (or non-custodial) trading. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is best described as a blockchain that runs in parallel to the Binance Chain. Unlike Binance Chain, BSC boasts smart contract functionality and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The design goal here was to leave the high throughput of the Binance Chain intact while introducing smart contracts into its ecosystem.

BSC official website
How to explore a BSC blockchain?
A Block Explorer is basically a search engine that allows users to easily look up, confirm and validate transactions that have taken place on the Binance Smart Chain.

What is a BEP-20 Token?
BEP-20 is a token standard on Binance Smart Chain that extends ERC-20, the most common Ethereum token standard. You can think of it as a blueprint for tokens that defines how they can be spent, who can spend them, and other rules for their usage. Due to its similarity to Binance Chain’s BEP-2 and Ethereum’s ERC-20, it’s compatible with both.
BEP-20 was conceived as a technical specification for Binance Smart Chain, with the goal of providing a flexible format for developers to launch a range of different tokens. These could represent anything from shares in a business to dollars stored in a bank vault (i.e., a stablecoin).
BEP20 Technical specification
What is Gas and how to get Gas Prices?
"Gas" is the name for a special unit used in BSC. It measures how much "work" an action or set of actions takes to perform.
Every operation that can be performed by a transaction or contract on the BSC platform costs a certain number of gas, with operations that require more computational resources costing more gas than operations that require few computational resources.
The reason gas is important is that it helps to ensure an appropriate fee is being paid by transactions submitted to the network. By requiring that a transaction pays for each operation it performs (or causes a contract to perform), we ensure that the network doesn't become bogged down with performing a lot of intensive work that isn't valuable to anyone.

BscScan Gas tracker
What is DApp?
DApp is an abbreviated form for decentralized application.
A DApp has its backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. Contrast this with an app where the backend code is running on centralized servers.
A DApp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language (just like an app) that can make calls to its backend. Furthermore, its front end can be hosted on decentralized storage such as Swarm or IPFS.
For an application to be considered a Dapp (pronounced Dee-app, similar to Email) it must meet the following criteria:
• The application must be completely open-source, it must operate autonomously, and with no entity controlling the majority of its tokens. The application may adapt its protocol in response to proposed improvements and market feedback but all changes must be decided by consensus of its users.
• The application's data and records of operation must be cryptographically stored in a public, decentralized blockchain in order to avoid any central points of failure.
• The application must use a cryptographic token (bitcoin or a token native to its system) which is necessary for access to the application and any contribution of value from (miners/farmers) should be rewarded in the application’s tokens.
• The application must generate tokens according to a standard cryptographic algorithm acting as proof of the value nodes are contributing to the application (Bitcoin uses the Proof of Work Algorithm).

How to connect MetaMask to Binance Blockchain
You need to access the Settings to point the wallet towards Binance Smart Chain nodes. On the Settings page, locate the Networks menu. Click Add Network in the top-right corner to manually add the Binance Smart Chain one.

There are two networks we can use here: the testnet or the mainnet. Below are the parameters to fill in for each.
Mainnet (This is the one you are probably looking for)
• Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
• New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
• ChainID: 56
• Symbol: BNB
• Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
• Network Name: Binance Smart Chain - Testnet
• New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/
• ChainID: 97
• Symbol: BNB
• Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com

More details
The Numbers of OTICT:
Volume: 598,000,000,000 Tokens
Market Soft Cap: €200,000,000.00

Without a plan, it is impossible to see the future. We have received overwhelming support for OTICT from our members even before the token was even created, with letters of intent to buy the token once it is officially released.

Stage 1
To thank those who supported us from the start, we will launch our Private Pre-Sale Stage only to our committed supporters, this will run for one month allowing them to purchase tokens and receive bonus tokens based on their purchase amount.

Following the pre-sale stage, we will run 3 Private Pre-Sale Stages, running for 1 month each, allowing our supporters and investors to purchase our token. Following the Private Pre-Sale Stages, we will have 5 Public Pre-Sale Stages, one each month, allowing the public to buy our tokens. During these stages we will run a variety of marketing campaigns which includes an update and press release to over 5 million of our active members.


Stage 2
During the second stage we will start planning the Decentralised and Centralised process for the trading of our tokens. We will start with a Liquidity event, which will allow the public to swap tokens on Pancakeswap.
We have already started the application and negotiation processes for listing on centralised exchanges.
Although we believed the process for applying for centralised exchanges would be done much later, we have received an overwhelming amount of interest from several exchanges, and it is believed we will be listed on centralised exchanges before the expected date.
It is important to note that we do not fear the rejection of our application on centralised exchanges, we fear the costs associated with it. If we are to give away too many of our tokens, or the money raised during our ICO, simply to be listed on an exchange, then it means we are taking away from the support we can give our community.


Stage 3
Centralised exchange listing and official trading of the OTICT token.
At this stage our token will be usable as a payment method on payment gateways.


Stage 4
Stage 4 has already started in our minds, we know where we want to go and we know what we want to do, we have heard our community voices, now we want to take it many steps further with new adventures and projects that will help our communities grow and prosper. To date, we have already employed over 1000 people on various social enterprise projects.


Stating 1 December 2021, we have started a pre-sale of OTICT, the first phase will be a private sale only for our investors and supporters.
Following the private pre-sale event, we will start a series of pre-sale events open to the public.
A dedicated site has been setup giving information about OTICT allowing people to register and pre-buy our tokens using a secure site using SSL protection and requiring KYC authentication.
Site Details: https://otict.otinternational.org / https://otict.org



Our smart contract has been audited and has passed with full marks. You can view our full audit report here: https://solidity.finance/audits/OTICT/
Once the Public Pre-sale events are completed, all purchased tokens will be transferred to their respective wallets.
At this stage we will decide if we should close the minting function or mint more tokens, the community will decide on this.

The Future of OTICT
It is clear that cryptocurrency is the future and this is the way forward. At this stage, we have received overwhelming support from our community and we envisage the creation of additional tokens to support the different causes we support. The idea is to have one token for each cause offering the opportunity to offer and to assist where it is needed.
As with all plans, some things just need to remain a secret till they need to be made public. We have a dedicated team of experts paving our crypto roadmap to ensure the longevity of the product, and the ecosystem, while having as our main priority the protection of the investments made by our supporters.
Following the initial liquidity event, we will launch the second Token which will be paired with OTICT, with the first option of purchase being open to only our supporters and members in the initial phase before it is listed on different platforms for swapping and trading.
We welcome feedback from our community and if there is a cause we are not supporting, do let us know, we listen to our community and we support what our community supports.

We have started a new journey in the crypto world and it was met with overwhelming support from our community, we actually sold a large portion of our tokens before the token was even created, showing that our community supports us, and supports the causes we support. Showing that we all want to contribute to a better world, a world where everyone has a roof over their head, where everyone has something to eat, where our forests flourish and continue to make our world greener, where everyone can find a job, and where everyone with talent can get a good education and make this world a better place for all of us.
We believe that this Crypto journey is the start of something wonderful, both for our communities and our supporters, embarking on a new journey to prosperity and equity, success and happiness.

We have spent many years creating the OTI brand and we will continue to ensure that all products under this brand are protected and kept pure, free of corruption and crime, pure to the core while helping every single individual who needs help.
Together we will make OTICT a world-known currency, synonymous with a poverty-free world, a greener planet, employed citizens and educated people.

We would like to thank all our supporters for making this possible, without you we would not be here today. You will always remain in the heart of OTI and our community.
The time has come to make our world a better place, together.

This is a living document and information is up to date at the time of publishing. Please note information herein does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and you should not treat any of the content as such.
The OTICT team suggests you conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions. By purchasing any OTICT product, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. You also agree that the team is presenting the products "as is" and is not required to provide any support or services. You should have no expectation of any form from the OTICT Ecosystem and its team. Although OTI is a community-driven DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, the team strongly recommends that citizens in areas with government bans on Crypto do not purchase it because the team cannot ensure compliance with your territory’s regulations. Always make sure that you are in compliance with your local laws and regulations before you make any purchase.