which is actually, very colourful!

One Terrene International (OTI) started its vision years ago by a group of people who believed it was possible to make the world a better place. In 2012, OTI became a registered non-profit and non-governmental organisation in the United Kingdom, followed by a second branch in Cyprus in 2013 and currently has 16 locations in the World. We know the world is not perfect, yet we believe that as a community, we can make it better for everyone, giving everyone the chance to be the best they can be, ensuring that every living entity has the right to enjoy life, prosper, ensuring that no one should be treated unfairly, and everyone has access to opportunities for growth.
The vision was to bring like-minded people together to work on similar causes, all with the hope to improve life. We had a simple motto; “One world unified through knowledge and sharing”. By sharing knowledge, we could achieve our goals and reduce the cost in doing so. From research to implementation.
Over the years OTI has shifted its goals to meet the needs of its communities, focusing heavily on youth, education, employment, environment and community. Trying to help the communities grow, strengthen and become more independent, vital players in education and the workforce by delivering projects and initiatives that engage with its target audience.
To realise our goals, we had two sources of support, our community made up of individual people and businesses and funding from various institutions, including the European Commission.
This allowed us to impact the lives of thousands of people, by educating communities on environmental conservation, training youth to gain skills and competencies to increase their employability, empowering youth to be active citizens, and reducing unemployment in Europe.
Today, we have an online community made up of over 5 million users, who have been helped by the different causes and efforts we support.
In 2020, COVID added a new burden to our communities, with many people losing their jobs, more families needing support, and new businesses failing due to lack of support. The need of finding financial stability within today’s economic environment is vital.
In 2021 many of our members and supporters suggested we jump on the cryptocurrency train as this is the future. This idea was developed due to the untransparent banking system our society had left as a legacy affecting so many families losing their homes in the past. The idea of crypto maintains the idea that people should own their own economy. Cryptocurrency could open the doors to more community support, where we all continue to help each other, giving what we can to help those who can’t help themselves, while being rewarded.
This is where the OTI Community Token (OTICT) was born.
Decentralised or Centralised?
The question of centralised or decentralised was posed from the start and when discussing it with our community, both seemed like viable options, however decentralised was favoured for the initial phase of our crypto project. It would be easier for our communities to get involved, and it would be simple to get more people involved of course, the initial cost would allow us to focus our resources on our main goals and causes rather than using our resources on a centralised system.
It is hoped that we will use both decentralised and centralised ecosystems in the future, however, we have received overwhelming interest from some centralised exchanges, and we are currently negotiating with them, it is hoped that we will be on at least 3 centralised exchanges by October 2022.
Our Roadmap planned to be listed on at least one centralised exchange by the start of the fourth quarter of 2022, and it seems that we are on track with this, however, this is conditional on the terms set by these exchanges, our priority is to invest our proceeds into our community, thus if the costs for centralised platforms outweigh the benefit to our community, we will limit the sale on exchanges that serve our purpose.
OTICT Roadmap
December 2021
Launch Private Pre-Sale
December 2021
January - March 2022
First Series of Public Pre-Sale Stages
April - June 2022
Second Series of Public Pre-Sale Stages
April - June 2022
June 2022
Final Phase of Public Pre-Sale Stages
July 2022
Launch on Pancakeswap and Marketing Event
July 2022
August 2022
Application to Centralised Exchange
Research into private exchange
05 September 2022
Listing on Centralised Exchange
We are officially listed on our first centralised exchange (coinsbit.io)
05 September 2022
November 2022
Launch of OTICT on payment gateways
December 2022
Community Projects Implementation
December 2022
Future Crypto and other Community Projects.
Impact Measuring
The Community Needs &
Our Approach
OTI started with a belief that for something to work or be fixed, the community needs to want this. We live in a world where we all have choices; we all have rights, obligations and freedoms and we are all part of a community. Some instances in life don’t allow us to enjoy these freedoms, and this is where the community needs to step in to bring a balance.

With community spirit in mind, we explored the needs of our society and over the last 10 years and we have impacted our communities in remarkable ways:
- Over €3M to support education and employability of youth in Europe
- Over €400,000 given to poor families in need, providing food and financial support (community shops)
- Over €1M given in education grants and scholarships
- Over €300,000 in support of environmental education, preservation and support
Looking Into the Future
Our vision in creating our crypto token is to support our causes,
to help as many people as we can and at the same time has a high and stable return to our supporters in a transparent manner.
The Need
There are many people in need of support of help in the world, and if we just give them financial support, why would they need to change their status? Our goal is to offer these people, housing, education and employability options so that they can eventually return to their communities as active members. It’s all about choice. We know that many people choose to stay on the streets begging for money and support, our focus, however, is on those who landed on the street due to unforeseen circumstances and want to return to normality, those who just need a second chance, and a little help to get there.

Our token offers that opportunity
Many people look at charity or community work and think that money given to these causes is used once and then no more, but this is not sustainable. In our project, we aim to establish a variety of social enterprises that will be able to support our causes and be sustainable, so that we are not constantly asking our community for support.
These Social Enterprises (ScEs) will be able to house families, while still operating with a profit from other sources, these ScEs will be able to offer employment opportunities while still allowing the income generated from these businesses to allow growth and sustainability for the entire OTI Group that its supporters, users, target audience now belong to. Together we are building a circular economy and society!
Current Vision and Goals
What are building, to employ, to protect the environment and to provide educational opportunities
Buy/build housing projects to accommodate over 100,000 families who are rendered homeless due to the economic difficulties due to the economic crisis and COVID-19
Employ over 100,000 people with a goal of employing over 1 million people by the end of 2030.
Creative NFT
Support artists and the creative industry by funding sustainable initiatives either via NFT projects and/or other events and projects.

• Plant 1 million trees annually to assist in reforestation as a result of devastating fires and human impact.
• Environmental conservation project support and awareness.
Offer 25,000 scholarships annually to excellent academic candidates with economic disadvantages to allow them to follow their educational path to ensure they continue to contribute to our communities with innovation, research, education, development & technology.